More effective follow-up emails

As a sales expert, follow-up emails are crucial to keep the conversation going with potential clients. Here are four of the best-performing follow-up emails to use:

  • The first email should be followed up two days after sending it. You can say, "{{first_name}} - following up on the note below and wondering if we can connect Thursday at 3 pm EST?" This email gives a specific meeting time, which helps the recipient prioritize their schedule.

  • If the prospect doesn't respond to the first email, send a gentle reminder with "{{first_name}} - realizing you may have been out of the office - bumping this up…" This email acknowledges that the recipient may have been busy or missed the first email, making it easier for them to respond.

  • If the second follow-up doesn't receive a response, try "{{first_name}} - bumping this up and wondering if we can connect Tuesday at 3 pm EST?" This email shows persistence while still providing a specific time for the meeting.

  • Lastly, you can use "{{firstname}} – have you given up on the ______________?" This email is more direct and straightforward, which could prompt the recipient to respond.

Remember to keep your follow-up emails short and to the point. Provide specific times and dates to make it easier for your prospect to schedule a meeting. Following up is essential for sales success, so keep trying until you get a response.


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