“Can We Reschedule?” Use it to your advantage.

In sales, it’s common to have clients who need to reschedule meetings due to their busy schedules. Instead of simply agreeing to push the meeting back, take advantage of the situation by using the “Yes, and...” technique. This means agreeing to their request but also adding a request of your own in exchange.

For example, if a client asks to move the meeting back a week, respond with “Yes, and in exchange, would you mind finishing up your application or getting me the following documents?” This way, you're still accommodating their request while also moving the deal forward and not losing any time.

By using this technique, you’re not only being flexible but also taking control of the situation and using it to your advantage. It’s a simple but effective way to keep the sales process moving forward, even when unexpected changes occur.

In conclusion, the “Yes, and...” technique is a great way to handle situations where a client needs to reschedule a meeting. By being agreeable but also adding a request of your own, you can keep the sales process moving forward and avoid losing valuable time.


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