This is why your customers are lying to you

Listen up, salespeople! I'm here to tell you why your clients are lying to your face. It’s because you’re asking wimpy questions like:

❌“Do you like it?”

❌“Is this a good fit?”

❌“What do you think?”

Come on now, are you serious? Of course they’re going to say “Sure” or “It’s fine” because they don’t want to hurt your feelings. But if you want the real deal, you need to ask the tough questions like:

✅“Do you love it?”

✅“Is this a perfect fit?”

✅“Are we checking every single box?”

That's how you'll get them to spill the beans! They might say something like:

“Well, I think it is, but I'm not 100% sure.”

“Oh, it’s pretty good.”

And that's when you know you've struck gold! You'll find out the objections you need to handle or close the deal once and for all! So don't be a wimp. Ask the tough questions and get the real answers you need to close those deals.


“Can We Reschedule?” Use it to your advantage.