Learn from a child

Hey, did you know that the best salespeople out there are actually kids? Yeah, that’s right! They keep it simple and are not afraid to ask why until they get what they want. So, let's take a page out of their book and start using this strategy in our sales conversations.

Step 1: Tell them what you want, and don't be shy about it. No beating around the bush; just say it like it is.

Step 2: When they say no, just ask "Why?" with genuine curiosity. Don’t give up until you understand why they're saying no.

And let me tell you a little story to really drive this point home. You know those ping pong tournaments where there's always that one hot shot who thinks they're so cool because they grew up with a ping pong table in their basement? Well, there's always someone who beats them without even trying to be fancy. They just keep hitting the ball back until the hotshot makes a mistake. That's exactly what "Why?" does. It puts the pressure on the prospect to come up with a good reason why they don't want to buy from you.

So, keep it simple, and don't try to be too fancy. Just keep lobbing the ball back into their court until they make a mistake. And remember, if it doesn't make sense to you, don't try to sell it to them. But if it does make sense and they say no, just ask, “Why?” and see what happens. Who knows, maybe you'll start winning those ping-pong tournaments too!


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