3 reasons you’re not closing deals

To close more deals, you need to get back to the winning habits of top closers. Here are three reasons you might not be closing deals – and how to fix them:

  • You’re not asking enough questions. Remember, the person in control of the sales process is the one who asks the questions. Make sure you’re doing more listening than talking, and ask probing questions to uncover the customer’s needs.

  • You’re not asking the right questions. Pay attention to the customer’s answers and use them to dig deeper. Find out what motivates them and what challenges they’re facing. This will help you tailor your solution to their specific needs.

  • You haven’t uncovered their “why?” People don't just buy what you do; they buy why you do it. Make sure you understand the customer’s goals and challenges, and show them how your solution can help them achieve their “why.”

Write down these three steps and keep them visible at all times. By mastering these skills, you’ll be setting records in no time.


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