Social Media like a Pro

Hey there, fellow social media aficionado! If you want to build a killer social media presence, buckle up and remember these three tips. Trust me; they’ll have your followers hitting that ‘like’ button faster than you can say “hashtag goals.”

  1. Hook ’em with a Negative: Forget the fluffy stuff. Negativity is the name of the game. Instead of saying, “Start doing X,” go for the jugular and say, “Stop doing X” It’s like telling someone not to press the red button - they just can’t resist! For example, instead of “Start optimizing your social media posts,” go with “Stop wasting time on mediocre posts - here’s how to level up your social game!”

  2. Unique Value: Don’t just regurgitate the same old advice. Sure, telling people to “prep before a call” is valuable, but it’s about as unique as a cat meme on the internet. Be the maverick of social media and offer something truly original. Try “Use this epic matrix to organize your notes before a call like a boss” - now that’s value with a side of uniqueness!

  3. Embrace Controversy: Don’t be afraid to stir the pot a little. Share your unpopular opinions or make bold statements that raise eyebrows. It’s like throwing a virtual grenade into the social media world - everyone will talk about it! For example, instead of blandly agreeing with popular opinions, try “I’m going to say it: Cats are overrated. Here’s why dogs are the superior pet” - just be ready for the fur to fly!

In today’s competitive market, social media is the key to success for many Loan Officers. It may not bring instant gratification, but it’s the future of outreach and connection. So, strap on your social media cape and get ready to soar to new heights of engagement and influence.

Remember to hook your audience with a negative spin, offer unique value in your content, and don’t shy away from controversy. With these tips in your social media arsenal, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a social media rockstar. Go forth and conquer the digital landscape, my friend!


What is a sales call?


Add value, not a discount, to close the deal