5 Touches – Don’t give up too soon

Playing the Long Game for Successful Sales

In the world of sales, patience and persistence are key. It’s important to understand that it takes an average of five meetings with a business owner before earning the sale. However, many salespeople give up after just two meetings and forget about the prospect. To truly succeed in sales, it’s crucial to play the long game, be proactive in understanding the prospect’s situation, and stay top of mind. In this sales tip, we’ll explore the importance of multiple touches, how to chip away at the sale, and the benefits of using a CRM for efficient follow-ups.

1. Realize it takes at least 5 touches: According to studies, it takes an average of five touchpoints or interactions with a prospect to earn a sale. This means that simply reaching out once or twice may not be enough to convert a prospect into a customer. It’s important to set realistic expectations and be prepared for a longer sales cycle.

2. Play the long game: It’s easy to get discouraged when a prospect doesn’t convert after the first few interactions. However, successful salespeople understand the importance of playing the long game. They are persistent in their efforts and stay committed to building a relationship with the prospect over time. This may mean following up regularly, providing value-added content or information, and staying engaged with the prospect’s needs and challenges.

3. Understand the prospect's existing situation: To effectively chip away at the sale, it’s crucial to truly understand the prospect’s existing situation. This means taking the time to listen to their needs, challenges, and goals. By understanding their pain points and aspirations, you can tailor your sales approach and offer solutions that are relevant and compelling.

4. Stay top of mind: In a competitive sales environment, it’s easy for prospects to forget about you if you’re not consistently staying in touch. That’s why it’s important to stay top of mind with your prospects. This can be done through regular follow-ups, sending relevant content or articles, or simply checking in to see how they are doing. By staying engaged, you remain on their radar and increase the chances of earning their business when the timing is right.

5. Leverage CRM tools for efficient follow-ups: Keeping track of multiple prospects and follow-ups can be overwhelming. That's where a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool can be a game-changer. By utilizing a CRM, you can save important dates and information, schedule follow-ups in advance, and automate reminders, ensuring that you're consistently reaching out to prospects without missing a beat.

In conclusion, it’s important to realize that it takes at least five touches to earn a sale and not to give up too soon. Playing the long game, understanding the prospect’s existing situation, staying top of mind, and leveraging a CRM for efficient follow-ups can greatly improve your chances of success in sales. So, keep the momentum going, stay persistent, and be proactive in building relationships with your prospects. Remember, sales is a marathon, not a sprint. Happy selling!


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