Use High-Status Language for Confident Communication

Confidence is key in sales, and the language you use can greatly impact how you come across to your prospects. Follow these tips to communicate with confidence and increase your chances of success:

1. Use High-Status Language to Set Clear Expectations

Avoid low-status language that leaves room for ambiguity and uncertainty. Instead, use high-status language that sets clear expectations and shows confidence in your approach. For example, instead of asking if your prospect is comfortable saying yes or no, confidently state the goal of the call and ask if it sounds like a reasonable plan.

Example: “The goal of today’s call is to put you in a position where you are comfortable saying either yes or no. Does that sound like a reasonable plan?”

2. Be Seasoned and Specific to Address Concerns

Avoid vague questions that may lead to ambiguity. Instead, be seasoned and specific in your communication. Address potential objections or hesitations head-on and ask for specific feedback. This shows that you are experienced and proactive in addressing potential concerns.

Example: “So let’s say this doesn’t work out, what do you think is the likely reason you would hesitate, and what do you think is the likely pushback you might get from your spouse?”

Confident communication is crucial in sales. Using high-status language and being seasoned and specific in your communication can help you establish authority and address potential concerns proactively. By setting clear expectations and avoiding ambiguity, you can increase your chances of success in sales conversations.

Implement these tips in your sales conversations, and watch your confidence and success soar!


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