Urgency is key

Creating Urgency in Sales: The Forward Engineering Technique

As a sales professional, you know that creating a sense of urgency is crucial to closing deals. One powerful technique to generate urgency in your prospects is the Forward Engineering approach. Here's how you can use this technique to get your prospects to have more urgency and take action:

1. Ask about their timeline: Begin by asking your prospects about their timeline for achieving their goals. For example, ask them, "What's the latest date you would want to have the cash in hand, look at a new home, or pay off your debt?" This question prompts your prospects to think about their desired timeline and sets the stage for creating urgency.

Example: “What’s the latest date you would want to have the cash in hand for your dream home?”

2. Dig deeper with “Why not later?”: After they share their desired timeline, ask them, “Why not later?” This question encourages your prospects to consider the potential drawbacks or risks of delaying their goals. It helps them realize the consequences of not taking action and creates a sense of urgency.

Pro-tip: Use this question in a conversational tone, such as, “So, why not later? What do you think could happen if you wait too long to take action?”

3. Highlight the time investment: Next, ask your prospects about the time it will take them to complete certain tasks related to their goals. For example, “How long do you think it will take you to carve out some time to get your application finished?” or “How long from getting the loan approved by everyone do you think it will take to get your documents to me?” This prompts your prospects to think about the steps involved in achieving their goals and the time required for each step.

Example: "How long do you think it will take you to gather all the necessary documents for the loan application?"

4. Add in processing time: After your prospects estimate the time required for their tasks, add in the additional time for processing, underwriting, appraisal, and closing. Be transparent about the time it takes for each step in the process.

Example: “Based on your timeline and the time it will take for processing, underwriting, and closing, we’re looking at “X” date for the implementation of your plan.”

5. Create urgency: Ideally, the timeline you provide falls around or after the time your prospects want their goals to be achieved. This creates a sense of urgency, and you can use it to your advantage by saying, “Oh no! What would we do to speed it up?” This prompts your prospects to think about how they can accelerate the process and take action sooner.

Example: “Based on your desired timeline, it looks like we need to take action quickly to meet your goals. What can we do to speed up the process?”

The Forward Engineering Technique is a powerful way to create urgency in your prospects by helping them realize the consequences of delaying their goals and prompting them to take action sooner. By asking thoughtful questions about their timeline, digging deeper with “Why not later?”, and highlighting the time investment and processing time, you can create a sense of urgency that motivates your prospects to take action and close the deal.


Ask your prospects about their timeline for achieving their goals.

Dig deeper with “Why not later?” to help them realize the consequences of delaying.

Highlight the time investment and processing time.

Provide a timeline that falls around or after their desired timeline.

Prompt them to take action sooner by asking, “What can we do to speed it up?”


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