Unlock The Sales Game

From Triggering Resistance to Building Rapport

Do you think you’re nailing that first impression on your calls? Brace yourself—there’s a high chance you're not. But don’t worry; we’ve got a proven strategy to flip the script. Ready? Let’s dive in!

🔑 1. The Typical Error: Bragging Your Way Out

Common Scenario: “How are you doing today?”

Typical Response: "Just grinding away, chugging coffee, smashing those leads."

The Reality Check: You’re not impressing anyone; you’re pushing them away.

🎯 Note: People don’t buy from brands; they buy from people they like and trust.

🔑 2. The Unseen Opportunity: The Humble Humor Hack

Smart Strategy: Use self-deprecating humor to break the ice.

Sample Line: “Ah, you know, just hanging out being the boring guy. How about you?”

🎯 Result: The prospect laughs, the walls come down, and you're in!

🔑 3. The No-Hair Advantage: Use What You've Got

Zoom Scenario: “How are you doing?”

Your Line: “Just surfing the web looking for the best hair mousse. How about you?”

🎯 Outcome: Another laugh, another win.

🔑 4. The General Rule: Lighten Up, Tighten Up

Prospect Asks: “How are you?”

Your Response: “Trying to stay out of trouble, how about you?”

🎯 Effect: It’s disarming and sets the stage for a more open and genuine dialogue.

💡 Conclusion: Be Human to Sell to Humans

You’ve got two options:

Keep triggering resistance with that inflated ego.

Or align with natural human behavior and start making real connections.

What’s it gonna be?

If you chose the second option, then it’s time to swap out those bragging rights for some self-deprecating icebreakers and watch your sales game transform.

Start leveraging this killer strategy today and watch those barriers fall. You’re not just selling a product; you’re building relationships. And that, my friends, is how you seal the deal. 🎉


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