Unlock Success with the Law of Reciprocity

When it comes to sales, the law of reciprocity can be a powerful tool. Essentially, this principle suggests that people are more likely to give back to you when you give something to them first. So, if you want to increase your chances of making a sale, it’s important to give before you take.

One way to do this is by offering something of value to your potential customers, whether that’s industry insights, a consultation, or something else that's relevant to their needs. By providing them with something useful and informative, you’re demonstrating your expertise and building trust with them.

Social media is another great way to give back to your audience. Sharing content that’s not directly related to your product, but is still interesting and informative, can help to establish you as a thought leader in your field and create a sense of goodwill with your audience.

Finally, if you’re struggling to get in touch with a prospect, offering them something valuable can help to break the ice and make it more likely that they'll respond. By giving before you take, you’re demonstrating your willingness to help and building a foundation of trust that can ultimately lead to a successful sale.


Mastering Rapport with Direct Prospects


Maximize Impact: 3 Pain Levels