The Power of ‘Verbal Cues’

Your Ultimate Guide to Deeply Engaging Prospects

Do you ever feel like your conversations with prospects are more like interrogations than genuine engagements? The culprit might be simpler than you think: it’s your automatic replies. Let’s turn that around and amp up your sales game!

🌟 1. The Pitfall: Sounding Robotic and Disengaged

Usual Scenario: You ask, the prospect replies, and you say, “okay,” “cool,” or “gotcha.”

The Impact: You sound like a robot, and the prospect feels unheard and interrogated.

🔑 Key Insight: Your automatic replies are sabotaging authentic engagement.

🌟 2. The Game-Changer: Verbal Cues

What are they: Simple affirmations like “uh-huh,” “oh, I see,” or “okay, but what did you mean by that?”

Why they work: These cues show that you're listening and engaged, setting the stage for a genuine conversation.

🔑 Example: Instead of saying, “okay, let’s move on,” try, “Ah, I see what you mean. Could you also tell me about XYZ?”

🌟 3. Adding the Cherry on Top: Body Language

Lean forward: Show that you’re actively involved in the conversation.

Tilt your head: Demonstrate that you’re considering what they’re saying.

Touch your chin: Signal deep thought and attentiveness.

🌟 4. The Secret Sauce: Bridging

What is Bridging?: Using a verbal cue as a smooth transition to your next question.

Why it’s Powerful: It makes the conversation flow naturally, lowering resistance and defenses.

🔑 Example: After saying, “Ah, I see,” you can naturally transition with, “So how does that tie into your current challenges?”

Conclusion: Activate Full-Engagement Mode

It’s time to throw those robotic, automatic replies out the window. Instead, employ the art of verbal cues, accompanied by matching body language and savvy bridging techniques.

Master this, and you’re not just closing—you’re forming relationships. That’s how we build an empire, one deeply engaged prospect at a time.


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