The Perfect Response:

The True Power of Clarification

Ever find yourself cornered when a prospect asks, “How much experience does your company have with this?” Don’t worry! We’re about to dissect the anatomy of this classic question and give you a bulletproof strategy to ace it. Buckle up!

🔥 1. The Trap: The Knee-Jerk Brag

Common Scenario: Prospect asks, “How much experience does your company have?”

Typical Reply: “We’re industry leaders with a AAA rating from the BBB.”

The Fallout: Prospect says, “I was actually hoping for a smaller, more hands-on company.”

🎯 Key Takeaway: Bragging can backfire big time.

🔥 2. The Reset Button: The Power of "Why?"

Your New Strategy: Understand the reason behind the question.

New Script: “Our clients would say we have a wealth of experience, but what's the motivation behind asking? I'd love to know.”

🎯 Outcome: You get insight into what they’re actually looking for.

🔥 3. Psychological Aces: The Socratic Method

Why It Works: You turn the tables and make the prospect think.

Effect: It positions you as thoughtful and consultative, not just another salesperson.

🔥 4. Sales Alchemy: Turning Questions Into Insights

Your New Mantra: Never assume, always clarify.

Prospect's Gain: They feel heard and understood.

Your Gain: You can tailor your pitch to what they actually want.

🌟 Conclusion: Ask More, Assume Less, Win Big

Stop! Before you start boasting about your company's accolades and years in business, pause and dig deeper. Asking “why” could be the simple, powerful tool you're overlooking.

The next time a prospect asks about your company’s experience, don’t just sing your own praises. Instead, find out why they’re asking in the first place. It's not just about giving answers; it’s about understanding questions.

Armed with this strategy, you won't just be closing deals—you'll be opening doors to more meaningful, lucrative relationships.


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