Give your customer a to-do list

Always Give Action Items -

Boldly Guide Your Customers to Close the Deal

In the fast-paced world of sales, it's crucial to keep the momentum going and ensure that your customers know exactly what steps to take to close a deal with you. By providing clear action items and next steps, you can confidently guide your customers towards completing the necessary tasks and efficiently moving towards closing a loan or making a purchase. In this sales tip, we'll explore why always giving action items is important and how it can benefit your sales process.

  1. Link each meeting or phone call with action items: To keep the sales process moving forward, it's essential to connect each meeting or phone call with a set of action items or next steps. These action items should be specific, measurable, and assigned to the responsible party. By clearly outlining what needs to be done, who is responsible, and when it’s due, you set a sense of accountability and urgency for your customer to take action.

    For example, after a discovery call with a potential customer, you could provide them with a checklist of documents they need to gather, a timeline of the process, and any additional information they need to provide. By linking each call or meeting with action items, you create a roadmap for your customer to follow, keeping them engaged and motivated to move forward.

  2. Confirm and update action items at the end of each encounter: At the end of each encounter, whether it's a call, meeting, or email exchange, take the time to confirm and update the action items. Review the progress made, clarify any questions or concerns, and ensure everyone is on the same page regarding the next steps. This helps to ensure that there are no misunderstandings or delays in the sales process and keeps the customer focused on the necessary actions.

  3. Provide a checklist or email summary: To make it easy for your customer to track and complete the action items, provide them with a checklist or email summary. This serves as a tangible reminder of what needs to be done and helps your customer stay organized and focused. You can also use this as an opportunity to reinforce the value of your solution and remind the customer of the benefits they will gain by completing the action items and moving towards closing the deal with you.

  4. Empower the potential borrower: By providing clear action items, you empower the potential borrower to take ownership of the loan application process. They know exactly what needs to be done, who is responsible, and by when. This sense of ownership and accountability motivates them to take action and progress toward closing the loan with you. It also helps to build trust and credibility as you demonstrate your expertise and commitment to guiding them through the process.

  5. Efficiently close the deal: Providing clear action items and next steps helps streamline the sales process and ensure no unnecessary delays. It keeps the customer engaged and focused on the necessary tasks, reducing the chances of them losing interest or getting distracted by other priorities. By efficiently guiding the customer through the action items, you can move towards closing the deal faster and more effectively.

Always give action items in your sales process to boldly guide your customers toward closing the deal. Link each meeting or phone call with specific action items, confirm and update them at the end of each encounter, provide a checklist or email summary, empower the potential borrower to take ownership, and efficiently close the deal. By implementing this approach, you can streamline your sales process, keep the customer engaged, and increase your chances of successfully closing the deal. Boldly take charge of the sales process and lead your customers toward success!


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