Don’t be afraid to ask

As a salesperson, it’s not enough to just present a term sheet or provide information to your potential customer. You must also ask for the business. It’s a natural progression of the conversation, and it’s important to approach it with confidence and energy. In this sales tip, we’ll explore five actions you can take to feel more confident when asking for the sale and closing the deal.

  1. Don’t forget the customer knows your motive: It’s important to remember that your customer knows you’re trying to sell them something. So, don’t shy away from it. Embrace the fact that you’re in a sales role and confidently move towards asking for the business. Be transparent about your intentions and let the customer know you’re here to provide them with the best solution.

  2. Remember, your solution is the best: Confidence is key in sales. Make sure you speak with conviction and confidence when presenting your solution. If you have any doubts, it’s likely that the customer will also have doubts. So, address any confusion or concerns before moving forward and ensure that you highlight the unique value of your solution as the best choice for their needs.

  3. Identify the client’s personality: Every customer is different, and their personalities play a role in their decision-making process. Tailor your closing approach to their personality. Some customers may respond well to direct and assertive closing techniques, while others may prefer a more subtle and consultative approach. Be adaptable and ready to pivot your closing style to match the customer’s personality and build rapport by understanding their preferences.

  4. Build momentum with each interaction: Always be closing. Don’t leave a conversation without a clear decision on what comes next. Whether setting up a follow-up meeting, scheduling a demo, or discussing next steps, aim to build momentum with each interaction. Small steps forward add up and create a sense of progress toward closing the deal. Keep the customer engaged and motivated to move towards a decision.

  5. Don't be afraid of “no”: Rejection is a part of the sales process, and it’s important not to be fearful of it. Many salespeople avoid asking for the sale because they fear hearing “no.” However, every “no” is just an objection you can uncover and overcome. When faced with an objection, label it, answer the question, and then re-close. Turn the objection into an opportunity to address concerns and reinforce the value of your solution.

In conclusion, don’t be afraid to ask for business in your sales interactions. Embrace your role as a salesperson, speak with confidence, tailor your approach to the customer’s personality, build momentum with each interaction, and don’t shy away from objections. By following these actions, you can energize your close and increase your chances of closing the deal successfully. Go for the close with confidence and drive, and watch your sales soar!


Add value, not a discount, to close the deal


The Ultimate Objection-Handling Technique