Boost Your Sales Calls Success

by Asking Two to Three…

Are you tired of struggling to get your prospects to open up during sales calls? It’s time to try a different approach. Instead of asking open-ended questions that can feel overwhelming, try asking for two to three specific things. Here’s how it works:

Instead of asking, “What are the challenges you’re facing right now?” or “Tell me about your financial situation,” try saying, “What are two or three challenges you guys are having right now?” or “What are two or three things I should know about your financial situation?”

By narrowing the focus to just two or three things, you’re making it easier for your prospect to answer the question. This can help them feel more comfortable sharing information with you, which can lead to deeper insights and a stronger connection.

For example, let’s say you’re selling a software product to a potential customer. Instead of asking, “What are your biggest pain points when it comes to managing your data?” try asking, “What are two or three specific challenges you’re currently facing with your data management process?” This can lead to a more focused and productive conversation.

You can also use this technique to wrap up your sales calls by asking for two or three next steps, reasons why they might not move forward with the purchase, or things they'll tell their decision-makers about why your product is a great fit.

Remember, the key is to help your customer open up and give you all of the info you need to close them. By asking for just two or three things, you can make it easier for your prospects to share information and build a stronger relationship with them. So, give it a try and see how it can help you close more deals!


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